Around this time, I have noticed that in lieu of New Year's Resolution Lists, more and more people have started writing Favorite Moments Lists. I am totally a fan of this: why waste your time thinking about the future? Lose ten pounds, think positively, volunteer more often, stop being mean to your sister....yadayadayada. We rush into the new year before it even gets here, never stopping to reflect on what will soon be no longer! I mean, 2010's gonna be gone forever-what better way to remember it then by...writing a list..?
Rather than naming this the "TOP TEN" moments of my 2010, I will leave 2010 with simply, "10 Really Nice Moments of 2010." These may not be the best moments of my past year, but they were certainly, well, nice.
10 Really Nice Moments of 2010
1. The Accent's 30th Reunion Concert
On the day before my 22nd birthday, the Accents, my acapella group at Skidmore, held a 30th reunion concert. AKA, freshman accents to senior citizen accents...ages 20-200 (roughly), singing songs together that go back decades. A powerhouse of women on stage.
And then partying with their babies as the clock struck midnight and I turned 22.
2. Finishing my Anthro Senior Sem Paper
I spent a majority of my spring semester slaving over my thesis paper for anthropology, which was on analyzing rhythm in Ghanaian music and showing how it reflects and reproduces rhythms in their daily lives. After a million hours of classes, workshops, library sesh's, mental breakdowns, and looping a twenty-second clip of a funeral drum sequence, I was finally DONE. I was on the second floor of the library in a window seat, and finally compiled a portfolio with my thesis, three other papers I had written, a reflection piece, and my resume. I clicked send, did a little happy dance in my cubicle, and walked home. I took a nap.
I gradated from college. That was pretty cool. But walking across stage and hearing "Schwecherl" pronounced correctly was even more cool.
4)Waking up in the Rockies.
Just look at this picture. This was me and Nic's first night camping on our road trip, and we were greeted by a wonderful mountain chill in June as we woke up. The dry chill, the smell of moss and dirt, the peaks surrounding me: I felt incredibly at peace.
5. Driving into Arches National Park
Okay, now look at this picture.
6) A trip to Florida to visit my grandma
I had a little mother-daughter-daughter action this summer as well; my mom and I flew (by ourselves!!) to visit my grandma in Florida. We went to the grocery store for my gma atleast three times to buy her wine. We shopped, went out to eat, and sat around talking for hours. We also went to the beach and took this picture. It was so lovely.
7) Getting an internship at the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art
Desparate to have ANY sort of job/internship that reflected my four hard (and expensive) years at college, I was thrilled when I finally found out I landed an internship at the NMAfA. I had to wait about two weeks after I "thought" I had it...and was in Vermont with my parents when I was finally given confirmation. The position meant more than an internship- it also meant moving to DC and starting a new life. It didn't take me long to realize that my supervisor was horrible and the bureaucracy inside the museum's walls disheartening; I quit less than two months later. But still, I'm in DC! And that moment when I got the call was definitely.."nice," which is why it is on my "nice moments" list.
8) Seeing Sufjan Stevens live.
Sufjan, are you there? Will you marry me? It's okay that we haven't met, for I'm sure we'll get along just fine for the rest of our lives. By the way, I heard you perform at the Beacon Theatre this past November. You were marvelous. I love you. And, just so ya know, "I do." -Laura

9) A walk in the snow
Just yesterday, I was walking from Brooklyn toward to L train to get to Manhattan; here is the aftermath of the east coast's "White Christmas." I walked by McCarren Park in Greenpoint and fell in love all over again with the snow. It was crunching under my feet as the sun kept me comfortably warm. I was listening to something cute on my ipod. This moment was also when I decided to make this list, so I figured I had to include it.
10) A new adventure
This final "nice" moment is something that happened today. I officially found out that I am going on another adventure across America. Instead of hiking, I will be singing. I'll keep you posted...
I'm off to go ski and greet 2011 up in Vermont. If all goes well, this trip might make it to my "Top Ten Pleasant Experiences of 2011" list. We shall see..