Our second day in Denver was much more tolerable than the first, for the whole altitude-shock was wearing off. Nic and I bonded with Corrine's housemate, Champ, and then spent the late morning/early afternoon schmoozin around Denver--seeing some art, doing a little shopping, and just getting a feel for the city. I must say I was not overly impressed; my draw to Colorado is its mountains more so than its cities. Still, Denver has to be the capital for something, and maybe one day I'll figure out what. In any case, since pictures are more exciting than words, here are some photos for your viewing pleasure:

So here is Denver. We thought it looked like D.C.,
minus its awesomeness (sorry Denver lovers).
And here is Champ. He is 3/4 wolf. Say hello!
Lastly, here is Nic, Corrine, and I. We discovered that we all have blue eyes. So we took a picture.
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