Hillary, Knipper, Sonic, and the inhabitants of Little Rock
We met a lot of important people in Little Rock. I'll begin with who I mentioned last: the locals. We didn't really meet a majority of them, but there is a good chance they met us. Within 30 minutes of us arriving and walking around the city, we were stopped by camera crews and asked a few questions for a sports edition of their local news. Actually, we had to do the asking, and then our tape was played and questions answered live on the news by some Arkansas sports "expert." Nicole asked who they thought would win the world cup, and I asked what their favorite NY sports team was.
After signing millions of autographs and putting our hands in wet cement, we went to the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum. It was AWESOME. Hillary happened to be there, hangin' out in the glass, so we took a pic. Here are some more:
After our filled afternoon of grilled shrimp, news interviews, and bonding with the former Prez, we drove to our friend Knipper's new apartment. We both met Knipper our freshman year at Stonehill, and while her and Nic were able to continually hang throughout college, I hadn't seen Knipper since 2007 when I transferred! So crazy. It was great to all be together again; she let us take showers, do laundry, and drink wine in her lovely abode before we headed back into the city for dinner and drinks.
Lastly, our final stop in Little Rock the following morning was to be introduced to our friend Sonic. And by friend, I mean fast-food joint that is constantly advertised in NY yet the majority of their locations are in the south. We had never been...but the commercials are so alluring. So we went. Now, the coolest part about Sonic is that they try to emulate the whole 50's diner thing, so your food is delivered by waitresses on roller blades. Unfortunately, our waitress was "server-in-training," so was in sneakers. Bummer.
the ticket was definitely worth the splurge!